Thursday 27 October 2011

Bailiffs now doing Police work?

Marston Group working together with the Greater Manchester Police
Marston Group is pleased to work in partnership with the Greater Manchester (GM) Police service and other enforcement agencies to provide a cross cutting, focussed approach to address individuals who ignore or flout the law (criminal and civil).
As sole provider for four court regions, Marston Group executes 70% of the Magistrate's Court warrants (distress and arrest) in England and Wales. As a result, our Certificated Enforcement Agents role in the new partnership will focus on enforcing warrants issued for non payment of motoring and other vehicle related offences imposed by the police.
Operation Hydrofoil will involve 23 Enforcement Agents deployed across Wigan, Rochdale, Tameside and Salford to target a range of Magistrates' Court warrants - including those resulting from assault or other violent crimes. Where the defendants are known to be potentially violent, police officers will accompany our agents to prevent a breach of the peace.
A further 6 Enforcement Agents will work alongside specialist police teams using our sophisticated Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) equipment. This will identify vehicles that are on the roads unlawfully, are of interest to the police and/or have other matters outstanding. On a recent operation, an individual wanted for assault was stopped and arrested due to unpaid traffic penalties relating to the vehicle.
These operations provide reassurance to law abiding citizens. It is the GM Police's objective to reduce crime and improve safety within communities

This statement must not go unchallenged.  We pay taxes for a police force to administer the Queen's law and to enforce it where illegal activity occurs.  When Marston's released its rabid dog on a 78 year old, critically ill pensioner they lost all right to make any claim to be an asset to law enforcement in this country.  They may yet get themselves charged as they betrayed every moral and legal obligation under a duty of care to Mr Miller.  While the police, as in the case of Ian Tomlinson, refuse to accept their liability it will be left to a brave few to show them that English law must be obeyed by them as well as by us.


  1. they make the laws so you and i better shut up and suck it up BUT WE WO NT EVER

  2. What about the rights of the public if the Government (M of J) represents the people of this country

    I feel like I am on mission - out on a boat at sea crashing over the waves so angry I can't get off until I have conquered them

    Had enough of Marston for today -


    Commenting on the outcome of the conference, John said: "It is wonderful for Marston Group to be a part of an international movement that aims to restore law ...

    We've subjugated English law and the people, where's the next easy target?

  4. The murderer of Andy Miller was dressed up as a policeman-the metamorphosis is almost complete.
