Thursday 7 July 2011

Local MP ignoring Blackpool victim's family

A debate today in the Commons shows the misuse and abuse that the Police can employ when not properly controlled.

Before I even start, I must make it clear that the Rule of Law is absolute and the abuse of those rules are as abhorrent and alien to every thinking Britain. What Mr Burrowes, MP for Enfield Southgate was illuminating was the lack of transparency and equality metered out to his constituent, a plumber, Ian Puddick, whose loose spouse was free and easy with a well healed superior at her place of work. When Mr Puddick made emails public he was arrested by Murder Squad detectives and the Minister of Police, Nick Herbert, has tried to justify that commitment with “whitewash slushed about by the bucketload” without addressing a single point the courageous MP for Enfield Southgate, raised. This is although the Surrey police had already advised complainants that the offence was ‘civil’ and nothing to do with them.

It raises two points of interest to Blackpool voters.

1 How welcome it is for an MP to raise an issue in the House that has a constituent’s only interest and that not those of a political party, personal predilection or wealthy businesspersons. Compare that with the family of the late Andy Miller whose legalised murder should be covered by the imminent “Public” debate in Parliament on the Bailiff system, but a matter the local MP cannot even reply to the Miller family on.

2 It illustrates that an MP can raise matters of private importance but public concern if there is a desire by an MP to do so. Although the police terrorism of a wronged husband is of importance to all wronged spouses, the greater wrong is the denial of family life by the Courts and their officers of a 78 year old Veteran with a very young family. Had Andy been a geriatric immigrant homosexual, would our MP’s be so silent or reticent in their condemnation of a flawed system and inept scrutiny?

So who better to confront a Parliamentary investigation? Would any Parliamentary body deny the widow and daughters of the murdered Garry Newlove personal representation? No! Then why is Parliament through the indifference of local MP’s being denied the factual evidence of the chronology that led to the premature death of a man guilty only of driving too fast ‘allegedly’, on a motorway?


  1. He should have got his wife to admit to the speeding charge and plead guilty by post.
    It's a Huhne of a defence.

  2. Why is there no justice for Andy Miller?
    If the same event had happened to Abdul Hamza,the likes of Harriet Harridan would soon be bringing it up in PMQ'S

  3. But Harridan has something in common with Abdul. Father of five Andy has nothing in common with Gay Gordon or the faggots who are ruining this cuntree...

  4. My complaint has never been about my wifes affair with her boss -
    my website (the same one that has seen me arrested on several 4 occasions by officers from City of London Counter Terrorism Directorate and then landed me up in court for 4 days)

    My question is, if my had an affair with a milkman and I called the dairy, would be my home, office and company accountants have been raided by Terrorism Police ?

  5. Ian is fortunate that an MP has taken up the cudgels on his behalf. The morality of his private life is not questioned although misogyny is a trait in old age, for some of us.
    Anger has to be tempered in the fact the Andy left four children under the age, at the time of death, 18 and it is to protect the two youngest that a more vociferous campaign has not been raised.
    You are bloody lucky not to have Gay Gordon as your MP as you would still be languishing in the Tower.

  6. Or Jack Bendystraw.
