Wednesday, 2 March 2011

What, waste at the MoD?

Most former service personnel can tell of a myriad of instances of waste and incompetence, but it never appeared to filter through to Westminster. Had a politician ever challenged the might of the Brass, they would have seen for themselves the mess, but they were too interested in feathering their own nests.

In 1982, HM warships were lost because they had to turn off their defence systems to communicate with London. What brainwaver never explained this to the politicos?

Now we have the newest fighters in the World which cannot support ground troops. Not until after 2018. Pakistan will govern Britain by then!!!!

Amplify’d from

Liam Fox Admits MoD Bedevilled By Waste

The Defence Secretary, Liam Fox, has promised a radical shakeup of his ministry, which is bedevilled by waste and overspend, and claimed an arms exports drive would help the country out of its economic problems.

He was speaking on the eve of a key meeting of top defence officials who need to make immediate £1bn cuts in equipment and personnel. The ministry's defence equipment board meet to decide on the coming year's spending round and Fox made it clear that he does not expect the Treasury to let the MoD off the hook.


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