The answer is no, you are, for allowing these parasites to dictate to you the depths of your misery whilst they PLUG their own shortcomings through their expense claims. Mr Spliff really has SUNK(sic) it to the electorate, at our expense.
I have seldom heard so much nonesense talked. To kill the expenses debate all there needs is for Westminster to have a travel officer, Black Rod or another, who can issue second class warrents to MP's. Afterall, if a second class warrent is good enough for a soldier, then it must be good enough for an MP.
And most soldiers have second homes for which they often have to pay out of their salaries, wages, incomes!!! They are in Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Balkans.
The expression parasite seem too tame from a disabled former regular soldier whose pension was stolen by Labour.
For any MP to argue that these expenses are within the rules indictates a total moral implosion.
I have seldom heard so much nonesense talked. To kill the expenses debate all there needs is for Westminster to have a travel officer, Black Rod or another, who can issue second class warrents to MP's. Afterall, if a second class warrent is good enough for a soldier, then it must be good enough for an MP.
And most soldiers have second homes for which they often have to pay out of their salaries, wages, incomes!!! They are in Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Balkans.
The expression parasite seem too tame from a disabled former regular soldier whose pension was stolen by Labour.
For any MP to argue that these expenses are within the rules indictates a total moral implosion.
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