Sunday 16 December 2007

Getting at the TRUTH

clipped from
Israeli delegation heads to U.S. to argue Iran still seeking nuclear arms

JERUSALEM - Israel has dispatched an unscheduled delegation of intelligence officials to the U.S. to try to convince it that Iran is still trying to develop nuclear weapons - contrary to the findings of a recent U.S. intelligence report, security officials said.

The U.S. assessment, released earlier this month, concludes Iran halted its weapons development program in 2003 and that the program remained frozen through at least through the middle of this year. The findings reversed a key conclusion from a 2005 intelligence report that Iran was developing a bomb.

Israeli officials fear the report will weaken international resolve to contain Iran's nuclear ambitions.

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I understand the fears that Israel has for it's future, my Uncle Arthur was one of the British soldiers who first entered Belsen concentration camp. But I also understand the concerns of th Arab Nations with the theft of Palestine from under their noses. It is difficult because the Scots have taken over Blackpool with an insidious infiltration over the past two thousand years, but the Poles seem to have done better in a few short months?
We all know from the 'dodgy dossier' that whatever the "INTELLIGENCE" experts tell us, it is probably miles from the fact.

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