Or was it Michel de Nostredame
Monday, 29 April 2013
Sunday, 28 April 2013
Multibrands and Ballocks new symbol
The guy
who thought of this is brilliant -
A condom allows for inflation,
destroys the next
protects a bunch of
and gives you a sense
of security
while you're actually
being screwed !
Damn it, just perfect for the local elections!
Saturday, 27 April 2013
Public opinion stops snoopers Charter
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Dear , Great news! We've stopped the government's plan to spy on everyone's internet use. Late yesterday Nick Clegg announced he will not allow the "snoopers’ charter" to go ahead. [1] 38 Degrees members moved quickly when we first heard of the plan to collect details of who we call, text, email and which websites we visit. We voted to work together to stop these intrusive and expensive plans. Together, over the past 18 months:
When we started this campaign, we knew it would be hard. The government seemed determined - we’d need a big campaign to turn it around. So collectively we rolled our sleeves up and just kept going. Today we can celebrate a great win for people power! Campaigns like this don’t cost the earth to run, but they aren’t free. 38 Degrees is 100% independent - so we’ll never take money from big business or government. Instead 38 Degrees relies entirely on donations from members like you, giving one-off donations or small regular sums of £2 or £3 per week. With your help now, we can take things to a new level. Can you chip in £2 or £3 a week, to help us raise the vital resources needed to dramatically increase our impact over the year ahead (or whatever you can afford). Click here to give a small amount to 38 Degrees each week via our secure website: DONATE Please do consider chipping in if you can - it really is the only way wins like this are possible. But first of all, please make sure you take a moment to celebrate what we can accomplish when we all act together. Thanks so much for being part of days like these, David, Becky, Belinda and the 38 Degrees team PS: Was your MP one of the people who helped stop the snooping bill? Could you email your MP and say thank you? Our MPs are used to hearing from 38 Degrees members to raise concerns when things are going wrong. Today we have a chance to prove we notice when things are going right! Click here to say thanks: https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/privacy-thank-your-MP NOTES: [1] The Telegraph: Nick Clegg blocks Tory plans for a 'snoopers' charter': http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/nick-clegg/10019365/Nick-Clegg-blocks-Tory-plans-for-a-snoopers-charter.html [2] 38 Degrees: Stop government snooping: https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/page/s/stop-government-snooping#petition [3] 38 Degrees Blog: Snooping campaign petition hand-ins: http://blog.38degrees.org.uk/2012/11/21/snooping-campaign-update/ [4] 38 Degrees Blog: Our voices were heard: http://blog.38degrees.org.uk/2012/09/12/snooping-our-voices-have-been-heard/ [5] Liberty: No Snoopers Charter: http://www.liberty-human-rights.org.uk/ Privacy International: https://www.privacyinternational.org/ Open Rights Group: Fatal Blow to the Snoopers Charter?: http://www.openrightsgroup.org/blog/2013/fatal-blow-to-snoopers-charter [6] 38 Degrees Blog: Government Snooping: Top Tips from David Davis http://blog.38degrees.org.uk/2012/06/19/government-snooping-top-tips-from-david-davis-mp/ |
Friday, 26 April 2013
Churchill is worth more than a Fiver
Sir Winston Churchill
1875 - 1965
This is amazing. And even more amazing is that this hasn't been re-published long before now.
Unbelievable, but the speech below was written in 1899! (check Wikipedia - The River War)
I am sending the attached short speech from Winston Churchill, delivered by him in 1899 when he was a young soldier and journalist. It probably sets out the current views of many, but expressed in the wonderful Churchillian turn of phrase and use of the English language, of which he was a past master. Sir Winston Churchill was, without doubt, one of the greatest men of the late 19th and 20th centuries.He was a brave young soldier, a brilliant journalist, an extraordinary politician and statesman, a great war leader and Prime Minister, to whom the Western world must be forever in his debt. He was a prophet in his own time. He died on 24 January 1965, at the grand old age of 90 and, after a lifetime of service to his country, and was accorded a State funeral.
HERE IS THE SPEECH:"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step, and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome."Sir Winston Churchill;(Source: The River War, first edition, Vol. II, pages 248-50 London )
On a day when the media keeps reminding us that Blair removed Treason from the Statute Book, a group of Non British immigrants have been found guilty of wanting to commit mass murder on a country that has stupidly given it oxygen for it's filth. Instead of executing those who rape our children, we give them the best legal defense that indigenous Britons cannot afford in British Courts. So we hang them! Perhaps the mystics and spiritologists can get in touch with them in Heaven - or Hell - and find out how many Virgins they have molested, up or down there?
Join the Navy, 2020 style
The New HOt AIr cannon to be fitted to Thames Barges will be manned by Lady Marine Cadets or that oxymoron of the Ministry of Defense, the Green Beret wearing Army Intelligence Crop.
Orders have been placed by Forces Procurement Officers in THE strip club(sshhh) in Soho for oars(?), pullers and bits of string to stop the tide washing the Fleet out to the dumping grounds in Bodensee.
Military Educationalists are busy implementing orders that all RM veterans who use English to describe non-indigenous gangsters other than Wonderful Ethnic Tanned Savants should be beaten up (or at least attempted to be beaten up) for sticking up for historical truths.
In that line of historical correctness, please note that the Gun is being used against the Zulus and the propellant is still in storage in Greenwich. No animals were hurt during the commissioning of this drawing. The Fleet painter is currently taking a former Lieber Minister out to a Russian Oligarchs yacht (HMS QE) at anchor in the Clyde, Mersey, Tamar and Tyne. Now that will confuse everyone except Trained Soldiers . Splice the Main Brace... Does anyone know someone who builds ships- that float- and aircraft -that can fly...
Orders have been placed by Forces Procurement Officers in THE strip club(sshhh) in Soho for oars(?), pullers and bits of string to stop the tide washing the Fleet out to the dumping grounds in Bodensee.
Military Educationalists are busy implementing orders that all RM veterans who use English to describe non-indigenous gangsters other than Wonderful Ethnic Tanned Savants should be beaten up (or at least attempted to be beaten up) for sticking up for historical truths.
In that line of historical correctness, please note that the Gun is being used against the Zulus and the propellant is still in storage in Greenwich. No animals were hurt during the commissioning of this drawing. The Fleet painter is currently taking a former Lieber Minister out to a Russian Oligarchs yacht (HMS QE) at anchor in the Clyde, Mersey, Tamar and Tyne. Now that will confuse everyone except Trained Soldiers . Splice the Main Brace... Does anyone know someone who builds ships- that float- and aircraft -that can fly...
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
St George
Saint George (c. 275/281 – 23 April 303 AD) was a Greek who became an officer in the Roman army. His father was the Greek Gerondios from Cappadocia Asia Minor and his mother was from the city Lydda. Lydda was a Greek city in Palestine from the times of the conquest of Alexander the Great (333 BC). Saint George became an officer in the Roman army in the Guard of Diocletian. He is venerated as a Christian martyr. In hagiography, Saint George is one of the most venerated saints in the Catholic (Western and Eastern Rites), Anglican, Eastern Orthodox, and the Oriental Orthodox churches. He is immortalized in the tale of Saint George and the Dragon and is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. His memorial is celebrated on 23 April, and he is regarded as one of the most prominent military saints.
Many Patronages of Saint George exist around the world, including: Georgia, England, Egypt, Bulgaria, Aragon, Catalonia, Romania, Ethiopia, Greece, India, Iraq,Israel, Lithuania, Portugal, Serbia, Ukraine and Russia, as well as the cities of Genoa, Amersfoort, Beirut, Botoşani, Drobeta Turnu-Severin, Timişoara, Fakiha,Bteghrine, Cáceres, Ferrara, Freiburg im Breisgau, Kragujevac, Kumanovo, Lebanon, Ljubljana, Pérouges, Pomorie, Preston, Qormi, Rio de Janeiro, Lod, Lviv,Barcelona, Moscow and Victoria, as well as of the Scout Movement[3] and a wide range of professions, organizations and disease sufferers.
What, on appearance looks like a fair reflection of history on England's Patron Saint, falls down on immediate inspection because the writer does not have the courage to treat the reader as intelligent. To write that Lydda was a Greek city in Palestine is to rewrite history. Palestine did not exist at this time so why not place Lydda in the country of the day? Judea perhaps?
Monday, 22 April 2013
Memories of Africa
Every now and then I have an Old Person's moment. And as I haven't filled my trousers this morning, I'm having it this way.
Wisdom of our Politicians?
This reply to a question by a Councillor in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, which could be redirected at every politician in Britain.
As we are told to expect another 3 MILLION people in the next few years, not a single British politician has had the courage to say, "Stop! We are a tiny Island with limited resources and less space. We have no surplus of water, as we suffer annually from localised droughts which therefore means we cannot manage the human effluence with all the ensuing health implications."
"There is no space to build the estimated 3 million houses to accommodate the influx and we shall soon be importing all our fuel needs as the electricity generators are demolished through 'Old Age'."
"We cannot extract gas because of the NIMBYs! We cannot store gas for the same reason."
We are rushing head first into disaster and our politicians behave and talk like Bantu story-tellers.
In these tiny islands we have an estimated 400 years of coal beneath our feet, yet Labour instigated contracts to purchase coal from countries like Poland and spent not a penny on research to convert local fuel into low carbon burning liquid, as Germany did during the War and as South Africa does to provide a small percentage of its needs. Research and development has no place in Labour's vocabulary or future intentions.
As we are told to expect another 3 MILLION people in the next few years, not a single British politician has had the courage to say, "Stop! We are a tiny Island with limited resources and less space. We have no surplus of water, as we suffer annually from localised droughts which therefore means we cannot manage the human effluence with all the ensuing health implications."
"There is no space to build the estimated 3 million houses to accommodate the influx and we shall soon be importing all our fuel needs as the electricity generators are demolished through 'Old Age'."
"We cannot extract gas because of the NIMBYs! We cannot store gas for the same reason."
We are rushing head first into disaster and our politicians behave and talk like Bantu story-tellers.
In these tiny islands we have an estimated 400 years of coal beneath our feet, yet Labour instigated contracts to purchase coal from countries like Poland and spent not a penny on research to convert local fuel into low carbon burning liquid, as Germany did during the War and as South Africa does to provide a small percentage of its needs. Research and development has no place in Labour's vocabulary or future intentions.
Saturday, 20 April 2013
Letter from America
When I was a kid, I couldn't understand why Eisenhower was so popular. Maybe this will explain why.
General Eisenhower Warned Us.
It is a matter of history that when the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, General Dwight Eisenhower, found the victims of the death camps he ordered all possible photographs to be taken, and for the German people from surrounding villages to be ushered through the camps and even made to bury the dead. He did this because he said in words, to this effect: 'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses - because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened' This week, the UK debated whether to remove The Holocaust from its school curriculum because it 'offends' the Muslim population which claims it never occurred. It is not removed as yet.. However, this is a frightening portent of the fear that is gripping the world and how easily each country is giving into it. It is now more than 60 years after the Second World War in Europe ended. This e-mail is being sent as a memorial chain, in memory of the six million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10 million Christians, and 1,900 Catholic priests who were 'murdered, raped, burned, starved, beaten, experimented on and humiliated' while many in the world looked the other way! Now, more than ever, with Iran, among others, claiming the Holocaust to be 'a myth,' it is imperative to make sure the world never forgets.
This e-mail is
intended to reach 400 million people! Be a link in the memorial chain and help
distribute this around the world.How many years will it be
before the attack on the World Trade Centre 'NEVER
because it offends someone???
Friday, 19 April 2013
Balls on the rack, definitely...
Caller on Radio Programme blows Balls out of his dreamworld. (click to listen) Not Ronnie O'Sullivan. Worth reminding the public how Labour cannot grasp simple concepts of honesty and factuality.
Ball, you and Clown ruined the economy, robbed pensions blind, invested only in immigrants and workshy, laid the ground for the Mass rapist of the Congo to be given sanctuary and succour on these spectred Isles whilst Labour pillage pensions.
Just listen.
Ball, you and Clown ruined the economy, robbed pensions blind, invested only in immigrants and workshy, laid the ground for the Mass rapist of the Congo to be given sanctuary and succour on these spectred Isles whilst Labour pillage pensions.
Just listen.
Thursday, 18 April 2013
NPower dipping bikkies in coffee?
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Dear ,
Is Npower the new Starbucks? At the same time as hiking our energy bills, Npower are using accounting tricks to dodge paying their fair share of tax in the UK. Yesterday it was revealed that they haven't paid a single penny in corporation tax for the last three years! [1] But now this is out in the open, Npower are vulnerable. Just look what a PR disaster it was for Starbucks when their tax affairs were exposed last year. Tax dodging scandals can ruin a company's reputation. And that can cost them their customers. [2] Npower rely on their customer loyalty. If they realise that their tax scams are damaging their reputation, they'll have to back down. So let’s make them feel the strength of public opposition by building a HUGE petition warning them that their customers are ready to leave them. Please click here to sign: https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/npower-tax A huge petition can help turn this tax dodge into a full-on PR crisis for Npower. It'll help spread the word and raise awareness of what they're up to. And it'll encourage the media to keep reporting on this scam. That's exactly what Npower's PR team don't want to happen! After Starbucks' tax scams came out, customers crossed the street to buy coffee from another cafe. Npower will already know that they’re at risk from customers switching gas and electricity providers. It’s not like it’s that difficult to switch - we proved that last year, when thousands of us switched together to get a better deal. [3] The news of yet another huge company like Npower dodging tax stinks, and not just because it comes at a time when our gas and electricity bills are going through the roof. By dodging tax, Npower are actively contributing to the UK’s deficit - and to the stinging impact of government cuts. Let’s force Npower to stop using accounting tricks to dodge their fair share of tax . Sign the petition to Npower now: https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/npower-tax Thanks for being involved, James, Becky, Susannah and the 38 Degrees team PS: NPower’s accounting scam works like this: they are turning UK operating profits into accounting and tax losses by making large "interest payments" to other parts of their own business, based overseas. This is currently legal - and in the longer term, we need to push the government to close this blatant loophole. But right now we have a chance to force Npower to drop this scam - so please sign the petition now: https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/npower-tax NOTES [1] The Sun - Energy giant pays zero tax: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/politics/4891267/Energy-giant-Npower-pays-zero-corporation-tax.html [2] The Economist: Wake up and smell the coffee: http://www.economist.com/news/business/21568432-starbuckss-tax-troubles-are-sign-things-come-multinationals-wake-up-and-smell [3] Read more about the Big Switch on the 38 Degrees website here: http://blog.38degrees.org.uk/2012/05/11/bigswitchresult/ |
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
Labour's original British Jobs for British workers
James Callaghan
Labour, 1976 - 1979Callaghan inherited the office of prime minister following the surprise resignation of Harold Wilson. With only a tiny parliamentary majority to support him, he faced an increasingly one-sided confrontation with organised labour in the form of rampant strike action. Things came to a head in the so-called 'Winter of Discontent', a phrase from Shakespeare borrowed by Callaghan himself to describe the events leading up to February 1979. Britain was 'strikebound', with public servants staging mass walk outs, leaving food and fuel supplies undelivered, rubbish uncollected and - most notoriously - bodies unburied. Things became so bad in Hull it was dubbed 'the second Stalingrad'. The tabloid press has since been accused of overstating the severity of the situation (and wrongly quoting him as saying 'Crisis? What Crisis?') but it was enough at the time to sound the death knell for Callaghan's government later in the same year.
For those with a selective choice for memory, this is an extract from the pro-left BBC archives. Being so brief it did not mention the absurd Poland Britain Coal Pact which saw Polish coal being Imported into these Islands floating on the stuff, in ships that had to be built in Polish shipyards by a LABOUR Force desperate to throw off the yoke of Communism through Solidarity. Island where manufactured goods - especially from British Leyland - clogged up hectares of parking space as nothing more than newly manufactured scrap. No-one wanted British cars and no-one was buying them, NOT EVEN THE BRITISH.
So Harold Wilson and hence Lord Jim lay the seeds for industrial decay by doing what Labour does best, ignoring the problems at home an glorifying in solving problems elsewhere. A ridiculous concept as doomed to failure as Communism itself. Importing cheap labour whilst there was money available for modernisation of core industries lies squarely with the Luddites of the Unions. Accept it, it is a fact. What is the use of producing something that you can't sell? ? ? ?
Don't ask a teacher about these truths. Ask those of us who got of our arses and travelled the world trying to earn an honest living, and who have not yet succumbed to dementia as most Labour supporters appear to be born with.
So when I hear Scottish former miners castigate and berating Margaret Thatcher, it certainly was not Margaret that signed the treaties that undermined - excuse the pun - the coal workers, I have to ask them were they awake when Labour was filling the pockets of the Arthur Scargill's whilst ordinary miners families were being promised Utopia on the Coal Face? My grandfather was a miner with a good Catholic education. That meant the only thing he could do was swing a pick, genuflect to priests and beat up his wife. Not great credentials to pass on to the next generation.
Monday, 15 April 2013
Check your PayPal emails for SPAM
There are lots of SPAM emails around and this will hopefully help the less discerning to spot SPAM
A. How do I know if
an email is from PayPal?
B. I've received a phishing (fake) email, how do I report it to PayPal?
C. What is unauthorised account use and how do I report it?
B. I've received a phishing (fake) email, how do I report it to PayPal?
C. What is unauthorised account use and how do I report it?
If these don't
help you, please reply to this email with as much information as possible and
we'll do our best to get back to you as soon as we can. Otherwise, to call us,
go to www.paypal.com/uk/contactus and
click the ‘Call Us’ tab.
A. How
do I know if an email is from PayPal?
Phishing emails are fake emails that attempt to collect your personal and financial information. These fake emails often link to illegitimate (spoof) websites that encourage you to enter personal information (eg, credit card numbers, passport or driver's licence number, and account passwords).
You'll know that an email is not from PayPal when:
Phishing emails are fake emails that attempt to collect your personal and financial information. These fake emails often link to illegitimate (spoof) websites that encourage you to enter personal information (eg, credit card numbers, passport or driver's licence number, and account passwords).
You'll know that an email is not from PayPal when:
The email uses a generic greeting like 'Dear user' or 'Hello, PayPal member.' (We always address you by the name on your PayPal account.)
The email requests personal/financial details, such as your bank account or card numbers, your full name, your account password or the answers to your PayPal security questions.
The email includes an attachment, a software update to install on your computer.
If you think you've received a
phishing email, forward it to spoof@paypal.co.uk. Then delete the fake email
from your inbox.
If this didn't help you, please reply to this email with as much information as possible and we'll do our best to get back to you as soon as we can. Otherwise, to call us, go to www.paypal.com/uk/contactus and click the ‘Call Us’ tab.
B. I've received a phishing (fake) email, how do I report it to PayPal?
Please report any phishing emails you receive to help us combat online fraud.
Here's how to report a phishing email:
If this didn't help you, please reply to this email with as much information as possible and we'll do our best to get back to you as soon as we can. Otherwise, to call us, go to www.paypal.com/uk/contactus and click the ‘Call Us’ tab.
B. I've received a phishing (fake) email, how do I report it to PayPal?
Please report any phishing emails you receive to help us combat online fraud.
Here's how to report a phishing email:
- Forward the email to spoof@paypal.co.uk (don't change the subject line)
- Delete the email from your inbox.
We investigate the emails and try
to take action against the people responsible.
If you think you may have provided any personal/financial details in response to a phishing email:
- Change your PayPal password and security questions immediately.
Contact your bank and/or card issuer and tell them about the situation.
Review your recent PayPal account activity to be sure that you authorised all of the payments.
If this didn't
help you, please reply to this email with as much information as possible and
we'll do our best to get back to you as soon as we can. Otherwise, to call us,
go to www.paypal.com/uk/contactus and
click the ‘Call Us’ tab.
C. What is unauthorised account use and how do I report it?
An unauthorised payment is a payments sent from your PayPal account without your permission.
C. What is unauthorised account use and how do I report it?
An unauthorised payment is a payments sent from your PayPal account without your permission.
Please contact us as soon as
possible if you suspect that someone has made an unauthorised payment using your
PayPal account. PayPal provides 100% protection against unauthorised payments
sent from your account.
Here's how to report it:
Go to www.paypal.com/uk and log in to your account.
Click 'Resolution Centre' near the top of the page.
Click 'Dispute a Transaction.'
Select 'Unauthorised transaction: I did not authorise a recent transaction.' and click 'Continue.'
Follow the on-screen instructions.
Here's how to report it if you
can't log in to your PayPal account:
Go to www.paypal.com/uk.
Click 'Security' near the bottom of the page.
At the bottom of the page, select 'Report someone has accessed your account'.
Click 'Continue' under 'Unable to log in?'
Read the information and click 'Continue' at the bottom of the page.
Complete the report and click 'Preview'.
Check the box to accept the claim is accurate and click 'Submit'.
We may also ask you to enter some
account information to confirm that you own the account. Enter the information
and click 'Continue.'
Yours Sincerely,
Friday, 12 April 2013
Baroness Thatcher funeral Order
Ministry of Defence has announced details of the Armed Forces’ involvement in
the Funeral of The Rt Hon The Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven LG OM PC FRS, Prime
Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990.
Funeral will take place on Wednesday 17 April at St Paul’s Cathedral, involving
more than 700 Armed Forces personnel. The Coffin will be drawn on a Gun Carriage
of the King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery from St Clement Danes Church (the
church of the Royal Air Force) in the Strand to St Paul’s, with the Royal Navy,
the Army and the Royal Air Force lining the route. Outside the Cathedral a Guard
of Honour and Band of 1st Battalion Welsh Guards will be formed up.
While the Ceremonial Procession takes place, the Honourable Artillery Company
will fire Processional Minute Guns from Tower Wharf, HM Tower of London.
the Coffin of Lady Thatcher into the Cathedral will be a Bearer Party made up of
all three Services, including those from ships, units and stations notable for
their service during the Falklands Campaign. Positioned on the steps will be a
Step Lining party made up of 18 tri-Service personnel and a contingent of
In-Pensioners of the Royal Hospital Chelsea. Senior military representatives
will attend the service.
military elements involved in the Funeral are:
Gun Carriage
the Coffin has been moved to St Clement Danes Church from the Palace of
Westminster, it will be borne in Procession to St Paul’s Cathedral on a Gun
Carriage of the King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery. The Gun Carriage will be
drawn by six horses (three of which are mounted), with a Sergeant riding
alongside, an Officer riding in front and three dismounted troops on foot.
Band of HM Royal Marines will take part in the Procession from St Clement Danes
Church to St Paul’s Cathedral.
Bearer Party will walk alongside the Coffin in the Procession to the Cathedral,
consisting of 10 tri-Service personnel. Members will be taken from:
- Royal
Navy/Royal Marines;
- Scots
- Welsh
- Royal
- Royal
- Parachute
- Royal
Gurkha Rifles; and
- the
Royal Air Force.
possible, personnel will be chosen from ships, units and stations connected to
those who served during the Falklands Campaign. They will be supported by one
Army Officer and a Warrant Officer.
Lining of the Processional Route
Processional Route will be from St Clement Danes Church to St Paul’s Cathedral.
Lining the route will be personnel from:
- Royal
Navy and Royal Marines;
- F
Company Scots Guards;
- 1st
Battalion Welsh Guards; and
- Royal
Air Force.
in support of the Street Liners
from all three Services will be positioned alongside the Street Liners on the
processional route. These will be:
A Band of the Royal Marines;
The Band of the Scots Guards of the Household Division; and
A Band of the Royal Air Force.
of Honour
St Paul’s Cathedral a Guard of Honour of 1st Battalion Welsh Guards,
together with the Welsh Guards Band, will be mounted for the arrival of the
Lining outside St Paul’s Cathedral for the arrival of the Coffin
Step Lining Party, comprising 18 Service personnel (six Royal Navy/Royal
Marines, six members of the Blues and Royals, Household Cavalry Mounted
Regiment, and six Royal Air Force) plus In-Pensioners of the Royal Hospital
Chelsea will line the steps of St Paul’s for the arrival of the Coffin.
Processional Minute Guns
the Procession to St Paul’s Cathedral takes place, the Honourable Artillery
Company will fire Processional Minute Guns from Tower Wharf, HM Tower of London.
accordance with Lady Thatcher’s wishes, a flypast will not take
For further information
on the military involvement contact the Ministry of Defence Press Office (020
7218 7907).
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