Friday, 31 July 2009
Guardian and the hostages
British injustice continues
UK hacker Gary McKinnon has lost his latest High Court bid to avoid extradition to the US to face trial for hacking into US military networks. |
You want Brits to fight your illegal wars but you are not prepared to fight for our legitimate rights. Your silence, Gordon Marsden, on the Andy Miller situation only emphisise the fact that you are unfit to represent anyone except your odd - queer (sic) - associates.
Plod by name
I wonder how many of the accusers will be charged with wasting police time or even malice? The Courts ough to be ticking over with prosecutions against inept police and malicious malfeasors.
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Warning! Renew tax credits- now.
Tax Credits can add £1,000s to your income, but you need to manage them right. Renew NOW! The deadline's this Fri 31 July; miss it and you risk having payments stopped or overpayment hell. If you ONLY got an annual review form, just check it's correct (if it is, do nothing); if not, call the helpline. If you were also sent a declaration form, you must check, sign and send it back. Overpayments help. Overpayments can be a nightmare, so as well as renewals & eligibility, this brand new guide details your rights and how to dispute overpayments. New Guide: Tax Credit Renewal & Overpayments Related: Benefits Check-Up, Childcare Tax Credits
Too few warnings are heeded and the Charities get inundated with needless work. Far too many former soldiers are on these benefits and do not realise the consequences of not renewing.
Pull your fingers out and get on top of your situation.
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Press Complaint Council public apology
Thank you for your email regarding the article in the Sun headlined “
We have now completed our investigation into this matter. The complaint was resolved following the publication of the following correction
We have been asked to make clear by Adam Walker, a British National Party candidate in the recent European elections, that an election leaflet criticising the rights of Gurkhas to stay in the UK and featuring Corporal Kumar Pun, recently killed in action, was not published by Mr Walker or issued by his party as we stated on May 18. (Cl 1)
Mr Walker has accepted this in resolution of his complaint and the file has been closed on that basis.
Yours sincerely
Simon Yip
I am not a BNP supporter, but the supporter of truth.
Model killing.
What is the fascination for a young white woman to have a black man in her bed, let alone in her life?
I retell the tale of a 15 year old boy who was viciously attacked by a gang on Blackpool promenade. He was but the third of a procession of victims who was attacked with lead pipes and heavy glass pint pots. Had that attack occurred today the victim would be charged with a racist outburst because he kept ranting "he's dead the Black bastard" as the surgeon put 60 plus stitches and a dozen clips in the lacerated face. Even to this day he gets cold sweats whenever a gang appears with a peroxide pussy and a gorilla swapping phlegm. Not fear for himself, but with the knowledge that he cannot say, do or seem to do anything because the law prohibits truth and history.
Is this the legacy the future holds for the English? No room for English men; they are in foreign parts defending corrupt Labour.
Is this the face of a rapist?
A man suspected of raping a woman 12 years ago cannot face prosecution, as the police have lost the case file.
If you were guilty of speeding the police would have available every single piece of evidence imaginable.
Oh. The alleged victim was an elderly white woman. Is British Justice really colourblind?
I remember when faggots were food.
Why is the United Kingdom the only country in Europe that does not derogate against the Human Rights Act is these instances?
Having experienced (sic) a homosexual MP for the past twelve years I am glad I am heterosexual, have my views, and am not scared of political correctness.
Parliament again failing the Nation
Make voting compulsory. Have an extra column which clearly indicates my/your wish not to vote for any of those participating. If and when that extra column becomes the majority opinion than all those who took part can be excused and another ballot takes place. That will be the first step towards real democracy.
Secondly, kill this latest shameful act. Where is that lame cow Harriet Harman and all her promises that all accounts will be public and subject to receipts?
There are millions of pensioners who will not subject themselves to means testing and live in poverty. For politicians to rub their noses in their enrichment and their abuse of privilege is enough to incite rebellion.
Please. Do not vote for any of the main parties because they – the powerful and the glorious – are unfit.
Sunday, 26 July 2009
Blackpool friend KIA
Army representatives said a lone bugler played The Last Post and six gunmen fired three symbolic shots in a touching graveside ceremony at
This is just the latest exercise in poor reporting by the Gazette. In January they had most of the details of Andy Miller wrong, but never corrected. Address your ire to the perpetrator joe.robinson@blackpoolgazette.co.uk
Britain today
Steve Gerrard will not be donating to Victims of Crime as the mindless masses laud his excellent use of his fists against a man already being attacked by his friends.
We get only what we seek...
Rhodesia was beautiful. Zimbabwe is a ruin near Fort Victoria.
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Cheap fares?
“Current spending on taxis and chauffeured cars is excessive. When ordinary businesses are trying to save money by getting employees to take the bus, it is only fair that public officials do the same. Some taxi rides on the taxpayers’ pound are unavoidable, but too much is being spent on the luxury of convenience while cheaper options are available.” |
You can complain to him at cllr.ian.fowler@blackpool.gov.uk
The lazy sod will not respond to you either.
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
The Alickadoos are listening to the troops - at last.
Air Chief Marshal Sir Jock Stirrup joined forces with Army boss Sir Richard Dannatt to say extra equipment WOULD save lives.
For years they have ignored protestations over military vehicles. Had but one politician the courage to listen and then report to the House of Thieves that they are wasting billions of tax payer money on vehicles the Rhodesian Army would never have used - and that over thirty years ago - there would never have been a consequential and significant loss of life.
For years it has been obvious that the military is led by donkeys only interested in their own pensions. How the truth is coming home to bite them.Shamedly at the expense of young and valuable lives. Note, not a single Labour politician has risked a minute in the true service of the Nation. The Conservatives have done little better.
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Blackpool Veteran Major speaks -but never for me.
As a former Gunner, a veteran and a professional soldier, the further the likes of Bell and Houldsworth are away from any organisation for me and my fellow former injured regulars, the better.
Saturday, 11 July 2009
The loss gets greater
I only discovered yesterday the reason of his anger and loss.
At a time like this, words have no meaning.
Friday, 10 July 2009
A former lib-dem councillor
Thursday, 9 July 2009
A United States Marine
The train was quite crowded, and a U. S. Marine walked the entire length looking for a seat, but the only seat left was taken by a well dressed, middle-aged, French woman's poodle.
The war-weary Marine asked, "Ma'am, may I have that seat?"
The French woman just sniffed and said to no one in particular "Americans are so rude. My little Fifi is using that seat."
The Marine walked the entire train again, but the only seat left was under that dog.
"Please, ma'am. May I sit down? I'm very tired."
She snorted, "Not only are you Americans rude, you are also arrogant!"
This time the Marine didn't say a word; he just picked up the little dog, tossed it out the train window, and sat down.
The woman shrieked, "Someone must defend my honor! This American should be put in his place!"
An English gentleman sitting nearby spoke up, "Sir, you Americans seem to have a penchant for doing the wrong thing. You hold the fork in the wrong hand. You drive your cars on the wrong side of the road. And now, sir, you seem to have thrown the wrong bitch out the window."
For my regular readers who think I disparage too often against our Yankee cousins, they could not be so wrong. The fact that I have two sisters and their families in Canada gives me a close affinity to them and a great desire to have them safe. This does not mean I do not wish the people of the United States the same, but I make no apologies for nepotism. Thank you America for all the good things you have brought us. Shame about the Bush Wars.
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
More Canadians die in Afghanistan
Bless the Canadian sacrifices.